A few years ago the term twin flame was only known and used in spiritual circles and the esoteric scene. Lately it has become a name for something, more and more people all around the world experience. They meet someone in their lives, who makes them question everything they thought they know about life and love. Their whole life changes in one single meeting! On the one hand, they never experienced such a beautiful deep love before, but on the other hand, they also never experienced such deep pain, when the other person leaves. Because that’s exactly what happens most of the time after a short period of heaven. One part all of a sudden runs away from these deep feelings and the other part can’t understand whats happening at first. But now the true beauty of the twin flame constellation starts to show. Because with the meeting of our twin flame paradise is shown to us, only to take it away a few moments later, so that we can find it in ourselves first. The goal is not to be dependent on our twin to feel whole. Amazingly our twin flame has all those parts in himself that we’d need to feel whole. While the other part tends to have a high self-confidence, we tend to have to little. And while our twin tends to live in a financial overflow and holds on to material things, we tend to have just enough to survive and talk ourselves into the believe that we are ok with it. When I’m using the words finances, abundance and success, you might feel a little uncomfortable right now. If this is the case, you probably have a hidden issue with this important topic. In this article you will learn, why your finances are actually a very important key on your twin flame journey and what you can do to master it.
If you are the chaser in the twin flames connection, meaning the one who was left behind, you tend to have a great heart. If people around you are happy, you are happy. Having a lot of money may not be in your interest. But money in our modern world definitely stands for two things: Freedom and independence. When you tend to always have just enough money to pay the rent, you will always feel a slight depression on a subconscious level. You are not free in making the decisions you want to make. The natural flow of abundance, which is actually our birth right, just can’t flow through you! Every human being has special gifts and talents inside them, which want to be lived out. If we embrace our purpose in life and live out our true greatness, abundance occurs… thats a law of life!
The beautiful thing is that this abundance is overflowing. People who live out their true potential are able to create this overflowing abundance and help others with their money.
Chasers in the twin flames connection mostly had childhoods, where they had to suppress their potential at an early age and started to leave their true self behind, to take care of others. Thats when their strong side, that always knows what it wants is pushed in the shadow and is suppressed. When we grow up, we tend to keep this pattern and sooner or later our life will mirror this suppressed part of our being back to us. Maybe we get a job we don’t like or are shortchanged. Or we meet our twin flame. All these things are mirrors for us which want to wake us up to integrate those lost parts of our being. When you as the chaser are left behind by your twin, you are just defenseless at the beginning and see no way out of this deep pain and emotions. You are permanently trapped in these deep feelings because thats what you learned since early childhood. Getting your twin flame out of your head for a second to focus on yourself and your purpose, is one task many chasers don’t want to see at the beginning.
Instead, we stay in this state of suffering and find ourselves in a waiting position. Years pass by and we wonder, why the person we are so sure that loves us, doesn’t come back. We start to blame the other person like „Well, he is just not ready“ or „he is running, because he is scared.“ But the truth is that something very important is shown to us here. In most cases, twin flames are really kind of opposite at the beginning. The one part has problems with the female energy in us and the other part with the male energy. At least thats the case in 90 % of the twin flame dynamic. On the twin flame journey, both parts learn to switch sides, in order to integrate the missing energy in them. The goal at the end for both is to reach balance of the male and female energy inside them, also known as Yin and Yang.
Another truth is, that you as the chaser are the frontrunner on the twin flame path. Your twin flame can always only match and mirror your progress. For you it is about climbing yourself out of the suffering and more and more into the light, male energy. Your counterpart will then loose more and more energy to fight against his feelings, until they will just roll over him. So if you start to transform your shadow parts and overcome old wounds, you will start to feel better and better. Your energy level will definitely be higher at that time. But now it’s about climbing the ladder towards the male energy to the top. And here comes the topic finances and success into play again. Only if you have the feeling, you live in abundance and don’t feel like your existence is threatened every now and then, you can fully dive into the light, male energy.
I now have two steps for you, to let you master your finance and success issues.
Step 1: Reflect and discover your patterns and believes about money, abundance and success.
I’m amazed every time I work with chasers, to see how deep these patterns are and how they keep them from living out their true self and create a natural flow of abundance in their lives. Right now, give yourself some time to check your own beliefs and fears and write them down. The following patterns are the ones most likely to be in the chasers system:
- I have the fear of running out of money.
- I have the fear of ending up homeless.
- I have the fear, I can’t make it by myself.
- I’m not worthy of being successful and having abundance in my life.
- Money is bad.
- It is wrong to focus on myself and to be successful.
These are just some of many patterns that still could be inside of you and keep you from living in joy and harmony. And always remember. Your twin will always mirror you these patterns, until you transform them.
Step 2: Transform your beliefs.
Now that you found your personal believes and shadow sides of this important topic, the next step is to overcome them and with that, go some major steps forward on your twin flame path and towards a possible relationship. There are some amazing techniques such as Emotional Field Therapy, which allow us to transform deep patterns and wounds in a short period of time. The reason why they work so well is the fact that all of our negative emotions and believes can only live inside us, until we bring them back to life again. Then, fear turns into trust, hate into forgiveness and so on. And thats exactly what techniques like EFT do in a spectacular fast way. I’ve been working with this techniques with my clients for years and experienced countless breakthrough moments with them. So write down all the patterns you discovered in yourself and let me help you transform them. And if you’re not quite sure, what your issues are, we will definitely find out together. So book your session with me now!